Monday, November 13, 2017

Turmeric extract benefits

Turmeric is an herb that is useful. Turmeric extract, antioxidant, helps remove wrinkles, skin wrinkling, and defense.

Medical research summary is as follows:

1. There are benefits to the digestive system by helping to reduce gas bloating, digestion, liver, reduce morbidity from chronic intestinal disease.
2. Cardiovascular benefits the heart and the brain, by the aid of cardiovascular diseases. Reducing the death of heart muscle and prevent brain cells die from lack of blood.
3. There are benefits from many kinds of cancer cells, inhibits pancreatic cancer bladder cancer, prostate cancer, lymphoma, a blood cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and may reduce too.
4. There are benefits nourish the brain and may help reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's.

Benefits, and medical research. 

Digestive system. It helps reducing inflation, bloating, stomach ulcers, digestion nourishes the liver. It also helps to reduce the pain, uterus, reduce morbidity from chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Turmeric helps relieve bloating air inflation. There is also an anti-ulcers in the stomach and protects from toxic hepatitis. Turmeric, so in effect helps relieve stomach pain due to stomach ulcers and help solve the bloating and gas that helps digestion.

Heart and cardiovascular system and brain. Curcumin in turmeric, there's a lot of antioxidants, and research in rat experiments that reduce the occurrence of heart muscle dies from lack of blood.

Turmeric inhibits several types of cancer cells. Currently, turmeric has been much more research. It can be supplemented with anti-cancer drugs as well because it will help destroy cancer cells by a mechanism other than the cancer drug. Turmeric is also likely to be and able to prevent cancer because it has a mechanism to prevent cancer by acting at the first and second phase enzyme (Phase I and II carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes).

Turmeric help nourish the brain and alzheimer symptoms Currently, it is discovered that Alzheimer's or dementia more likely increased considerably, and the mechanisms of antioxidant activity may be able to prevent this disease, which now has research say that turmeric is one of the herbs that should be able to prevent this disease.

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